Created By: Preservation Forsyth
A side-gabled frame Craftsman house that includes a full-facade shed-roof porch supported by square posts on brick piers with cast stone caps, and a small projecting bay at the central entrance.There are also false knee braces and pent eaves at both gable ends; a two-story polygonal bay on the west elevation; a one-story hipped-roof rectangular bay projection on the east side; and two interior brick chimneys with metal caps. The projecting entrance places the door between angled twelve-light sidelights, echoed above by the three-sided bay containing windows with lattice-muntined sashes.
RJR Tobacco Company leaf buyer Charles Alexander Whaling and his brother, Southbound Railway freight agent George William Whaling Jr., acquired this parcel in 1915 and commissioned the construction of an eclectic foursquare for their parents, George and Kate Ballou Whaling. After George Sr.’s death in 1921, Kate occupied the house for about a year, followed by Charles and his wife Ruth who resided here until 1936. Western Electric supervisor Henry Lackmann and his wife Roselia Fitz bought the house in 1947, and the Lackmann family retained the property until 1991.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Washington Park NR Historic District Walking Tour Part 1
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