Accra, Ashiedu Keteke, Greater Accra Region Ghana

Created By: Accra Lomi LBG


DAWA and ANYINAM CORPORATION, Limited, Exporters and Importers, Cromer Road. Tnrs corporation rvas formed at the end of rgrg by the Anyinam Syndicate, Ltd., and Midland Produce Association, Ltd., taking over the assets of the Dawa Syndicate, Ltd., rvhich had gone into voiuntary liquidation. It is an entirely native undertaking with a capitai of droo,ooo. It has very fine premises, occupying about an acre and a half, connected with the railway by a siding, and admirably adapted in every r:ay fol its large opemtions in cocoa and produce and its importation of merchandise of every description. Branches of the business are established at Nsawam, Pakro, Mangoase, Koforidua, Jumapo, 'fafo, and Dodowah. The Directors are as follorvs :-J. Addo Vanderpuye, Managing Director; M. Therson Cofie, S. I-aryea Torto, A. A. Vanderpuye and J. Sarkodee Addo.

The Managing Director, Vtr. J. A. Vanderpuye, was the Chairman of the Anyinam Syndicate, I-td., which, before the amalgamation referred to above, rvas established in Adarvso House, norv occupied by i{essrs. Grace Bros. & Co., 'fhat handsome building is the personal property of Mr. J. A. Vanderpuye, rvho rvas born in Accra in 1870, and ,he spent eight years rvith Messrs. F. ct A. Swanzy, Ltd., and twelve years'rvith the African Association, [-td., before beconring identified with the Anyinam Syndicate, Ltd. .

This point of interest is part of the tour: ACCRA SOCIETY PHOTO EXHIBITION


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