Created By: Chloe Flagler-Hess
American Hornbeam
(Carpinus Caroliniana)
This tree can be found along the river leading into Stanley Quarter lake. You'll have to go down a small incline just behind the stone bridge where the lake runs off into the stream.
American Hornbeam are hardy, strong trees that are harvested extensively for lumber. They can grow in a wide range of sites, but they prefer moist soil and full sun. They'll be easy to find in wetlands and along rivers. They are fairly small trees, so they'll make up the understory of the forest.
Their most notable feature is their bark. It is smooth with shallow ridges and dips, resembling muscles. Their wood is also incredibly strong. They also have some beautiful colors in the fall, usually have a range of orange, red, and purple hues.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Dendrology Final Tour
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