Created By: City of Redmond Parks & Recreation
Art Title: Sul.tˤa (Arabic: سلطة )
Artist: Koloud Tarapolsi
This sul.tˤa / سلطة , an Arabic word that means position of power, and evolved into “sultan”, was designed by Libyan artist Koloud Tarapolsi. It is loosely inspired by a minbar/منبر , a pedestal found to the right of the mihrab /محراب, in mosques. The منبر is used by the Imam to address the congregation, after prayers. Some mosques build a minbar, while others, such as our local mosque, has a temporary one, as the prayer space also serves as a basketball court. This minbar inspired artwork, sul.tˤa, includes the Arabic names of local children, Redmond’s future leaders.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Redmond Lights 2020
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