
Sigma Psi 125th Founders' Day History Walk


Cleveland, Ohio 44115, United States

Created By: Sigma Psi Sorority


Asgaard was our last true house, where we lived until the summer of 1988. The house itself is named Asgaard and, because it meant “Home of the Gods,” we answered our phone with “Sigma Psi, Home of the Goddesses.” Before us, the Society for Creative Anachronisms lived here.

Initially, we shared Asgaard with DPhiU (Delta Phi Upsilon), Phi Mu’s predecessor. DPhiU sold us their rights to the house for a piano, which we replaced for free later on.

To make their pledge paddle, one pledge class broke into the house and stole a bed board and a door knocker that said Sigma Psi on it.

A big party was held the night the lease expired that got a little out of hand. There wasn’t any furniture so it was a bring your own chair (B.Y.O.C.) party.

Pi Kappa Alpha was carved into the wooden door here, as well as the front door of our current house.

This point of interest is part of the tour: Sigma Psi 125th Founders' Day History Walk


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