Created By: The Avenue Concept
Location: Fountain St. x Dorrance St.
Bioswales are similar to rain gardens, but often more linear, and specifically created to capture the significant amounts of stormwater that accumulate in heavily paved areas such as this junction of Dorrance, Eddy, Francis, and Fountain Street. Jenn Judge of the local Gravelly Hill Design Group, led the design of this bioswale. Below ground, the bioswale is a large, gravel-filled pit with perforated piping, suited to capturing heavy water flows.
Choosing the right plantings is an important part of creating a bioswale that functions effectively. Judge’s group planted switchgrass, which grows deep roots and helps with the quick uptake of water. Winteberry also absorbs heavy water flows and provides a splash of color to beautify the space when other plants are bare. Evergreen shrubs stay green during the winter to help deter people from walking through the space. Bluebeard shrubs and false spirea attract pollinators. “Especially in the cities, pollinators need all the help they can get,” Judge says.
Green spaces in cities also provide cooling effects – the more vegetative covering there is, the more plant transpiration can help cool the city air. At a small scale, a bioswale is a human design that regenerates the natural ecosystem processes.
What stands out to you about the gardens?
Are there any pollinators present?
Which plants and flowers seem to be in season, and what function do you think they serve?
This point of interest is part of the tour: The Avenue Concept Providence Downtown Public Art Tour 2024
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