Created By: Se7en Wetlands
There are too many species of birds to list here, but it's virtually impossible to take this paddle tour without seeing some amazing birds in flight, coasting on the water, or resting/hiding in the Mangroves.
You will almost definitely see Little Blue Herons and Great Blue Herons, a variety of Ibis and Egret such as the Snowy Egret and Great Egret. You'll likely hear the familiar screech of the Osprey, and often see one carrying a fish that is facing head first to minimize wind resistance. Comorants are common as are different kinds of ducks. Pelicans are especially plentiful in Brown's Bay and it is such a treat to see them hunt for food, hit the water and hit the brakes as they check out their catch. Pelicans may also signal that dolphins are near by feeding.
More rare, and especially beautiful are Roseate Spoonbills. They are absolutely fascinating to watch, especially if you are lucky enough to see them feeding.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Hiles Paddle MIles
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