Created By: FSRP Tree Tenders
About these specimens: A unique opportunity to compare dawn redwoods and a bald cypress within two blocks. It is helpful that the first dawn redwood on 24th Street bears a plaque noting that it was planted 25 years ago. Compare its size to the one at 2507 Waverly which appears to be at least decade older.
Leaf type: Like the bald cypress, it is a deciduous conifer, having feathery, needlelike foliage which drops off in winter. However, the side shoots are opposite on a dawn redwood while alternate on a bald cypress.
Bark and branching: Similar to bald cypress except its trunk base sometimes becomes braided and fluted when mature. Also, note how the redwoods’ branches angle upward while the branches of the bald cypress are more horizontal.
Fruit: elongated or rounded cones, 1⁄2 to 1” long, blue when young
Average mature size in city: 90’ tall
Origin: known only from fossils before 1943, it grows naturally only in central China
Other notable features: In mature specimens, depressions or “armpits” appear beneath some branches. (Bald cypresses lack these depressions.)
This point of interest is part of the tour: Center City West Tree Stroll
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