Created By: Clarisa Ramirez
Started in 1970, founded by 2 students. One student named Wendell Jones founded this organization after being failed by a professor after being failed on an essay he wrote about being gay. At the time this was extremely controversial because it was not as common/ accepted as it is today. Today the QSA exists to foster leadership within lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities at the University. In addition to advocating for LGBTQ students and hosting community-wide events, the Alliance acts as an umbrella group for all LGBTQ organizations at the University. Some of the events that are hosted by the alliance include The Welcome Carnival, Queer Leadership Institute, Pride Week, Transgender Day of Remembrance, Queer Texas Conference, World AIDS Day, And Coming Out Week.
The alliance serves as an umbrella network for other LGBTQ movements and groups including StandOut, QPOCA, Queer Cinema Revolt, Gaymers, And Shesays.
This point of interest is part of the tour: LGBTQ+ Tour
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