Created By: Chloe Flagler-Hess
White Spruce
(Picea Glauca)
This tree can be found farther away from the lake, in a straight line of more spruce and elm planted between the park and the neighboring building.
White Spruce is a straight, tall tree that grows well in North America and Canada. They can grow alongside broadleaf trees but they don't grow well if they're crowded. They prefer cold weather, but they can withstand heat pretty well. They prefer moist, acidic soil and full sun.
They are very pretty trees in general with long trunks and a nice conical shape, making them a popular choice for Christmas trees. Their needles are a nice light green but I think the fact that they are so sharp is more interesting. It makes an effective tool for defense against most animals and harsh conditions.
This point of interest is part of the tour: Dendrology Final Tour
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