Created By: Kiltumper Close Press
Welcome to Tour #3 in the Walking Tours for Montpelier, VT series. This time, we’ll be starting from the Court House at the corner of Elm and State Streets. I’ve called this tour the mini-loop because a little farther up Elm Street it takes a right turn at School Street, another onto Main, and one more onto Langdon Street, which will bring you back to the Court House vicinity to complete the loop. The tour after this one is a larger loop that continues straight up Elm and connects with Main Street farther up. You don’t have to remember all that, so don’t worry. I’ll give you the signal when we reach the spot where you can decide to either stay with the mini-loop or switch to the bigger loop and really stretch your legs.
Now, we’ll get started by walking up Elm Street from State Street to our first stop, which is on the sidewalk near the fancy-looking brick building that shares a parking lot with the court house.
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