Created By: UW-Madison
The College of Agriculture was established in 1862 when the U. S. Land Grant System Act was enacted. The college offices and laboratories were initiall housed in South Hall. At that time the land where the college's facilties was farm land, some it used for research. The first buildings construct were barns dairy cattle, horses and other livestock. The college offices were moved to Agricultural Hall, when construction was completed in 1903. The firdt structures constructed on today.s campus and still standing today, 2018, were the Livstock Barn, now called the horse barn and Science House, both constructed in 1868. Other buildings constructed before Ag. Hall were Hiram Smith (1892), Soil Science/King Hall (1894), Dean's House (1896), Historic Dairy Barn (1898), nnd Ag. Bulletin -Heating Plant (1899). This walking tour has fourteen stops at historical buildings, built more than a century ago and still 2018.
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