Created By: Jacob Edward Gardner
My area is a temperate deciduous forest ecosystem. it is mostly made up of riparian areas and hilltops and is dominated by faster-growing hardwoods such as tulip poplar and oak species. in the early 1900s and late 1800s, the area was almost completely clear cut for the fuelwood gave to the steel furnaces in the area. Currently, many of the natural areas have mature trees in them and could be considered climax forests. However, the area is also experiencing very aggressive invasive species that are killing many trees specifically the ash and oak populations.
You will need long pants and good waterproof hiking boots if you come to my area. There are many thorny species and a lot of low lands that will be wet most of the time. Also, there is a lot of ticks in the area, and the pants will help protect you from them. you may also need layers if you come in the winter as it can get cold around that time and lays will keep you comfortable and warm more effectively. Finally, make sure to bring a lot of water as the natural water sources near me are often contaminated in some way or just arent safe to drink. Also in the summer, it will get very warm and humid so a good amount of water becomes necessary.
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